Saturday, August 31, 2013

     Human tendencies. That is after all, what economics is wrapped around. Thought is often associated with a train, everyone who thinks has their own train of thought. As much as I like trains, thinking is in no circumstance anything like a train. Thought travels down a river. It has its calm, peaceful states, as well as the crashing rapids that are more specifically defined as our bad moods, attitudes, and our length of temper. I only make that anology to better portray the unpredictability of economics.
     Economics is defined as the branch of knowledge concerned with production, consumption and transfer of wealth. One aspect of the system cannot work without the other. However, in the end what matters most is the satisfaction of the consumer. That being said, the consumers opinion of said product become the immediate concern. After which, it becomes more vital that the psychology of economics is considered as much, if not more than anything else.
     -Cody Nicholson